
Imaris 3D/4D Visualization & Analysis Software Workshop Hosted at Notre Dame

Please register for the upcoming Imaris Image Analysis Workshop hosted at Notre Dame by the Integrated Imaging Facility on Wednesday, August 14th 2019 by clicking on the following link ( The workshop will feature an Introduction to Imaris tools presentation followed by a live demonstration in Imaris. One-on-one custom image analysis sessions are available by appointment to test Imaris on your images.


Imaris  is a total software solution for the interactive visualization and analysis of 2D, 3D and live microscopy images. Automatically obtain counts, sizes, shapes and intensity values from both simple and complex biological  structures. Trace neurons, blood vessels or other filamentous structures to understand segment length, diameter, volume and branching information and determine density of and classify spines. Perform intensity- and object-based colocalization on structures in 2D, 3D and even live images. Track cell and other structure motility and understand morphology changes over time. Perform smart, cell based segmentation and dissect intracellular relationships. Interface with FIJI and use the two-way interface for customization in Matlab, Java or Python. Make stunning Snapshots and Animations and export quantitative measurements and data plots of your data.

Integrated Imaging Facility Nd Flyer Template



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